Great pic taken by the promoter who booked me, Bex Ward!
Yo! Hope you all had a good weekend. Lol I know a lot of you probably didn't as
you're returning to uni! Well if it makes up for it mine wasn't the greatest ever.
I did the opening set for Data Corrupt down at 333 which was from 10-12.
Was quite frustrating especially in the first hour as people where coming in
and buying their drinks.
Made a mistake of trying too hard to get people to dance too early and ended
up using too many good tracks! For the second hour I had a few people dancing
but still most people were stuck around the bar which I guess I should have
expected more, but I did take pride in the fact a few people where dancing already
and there was the few people bopping up and down as they ordered their drinks!
All in all I was a bit disappointed as I didn't get to play the range of music I wanted
to as I don't really think the people would have appreciated pumping baselines at
135bpm or some soul destroying dubstep. Don't know how I managed to play house
for pretty much 2 hours but at least I've learnt and I've survived!
I guess till I become a producer It's gona be pretty hard to
get the crowd I want for a while.
Unless I play cheese...
Khris's set was really good...and yes it's hard to play what you want without alienating some people..its risky when you first start out..mainly because people aren't aware of you and your sound as a DJ, (reputation will build with time and exposure) so it can be easy to get frustrated. Keep going Kris..being a DJ is a massive journey. Be prepared to play the early sets in fact any sets..til eventually you will get the ones you want playing what you want. Ive been djing for 16 years and I still have to compromise sometimes...but that is what keeps getting me booked and I can then do whatever I want at other sets (because I can afford to take less of a fee for the cooler parties)..THANKS and BIG UPS you did a fantastic job :) and that Pic is a great promo shot for you..bring a usb stik to mother sometime and i'l give you the high res versions. x