Contact/ About

Khris With A K here!
Not Chris/Cris/Kris/Qwiss but Khris, that is how it is actually spelt.

This blog is for all my creative activities which range from photography, 
djing, producing and so on. I'll also have some stuff on here from artist to 
friends I want to expose to anyone who's already big in the game to come and 
do a nice little interview. There will also be some cool stuff posted on here 
should I feel you guys should know about it so feel free to have a browse.

Make sure you don't miss out on anything by following me on here blogspot or 
adding me on facebook. I also have a soundcloud and photography page which 
are both worth checking out, links at the bottom of the page

Thanks for stopping, I appreciate all of the people who take their time to read my blog :)


p.s. All creative work should be considered my own work unless I have stated or it is implied that it isn't
